Monday, February 29, 2016


This week our "Little Friends" will be learning about patterns.  On Monday, our small group activity was creating a macaroni necklace and creating a blue and yellow pattern.  We have been focused on simple A, B, A, B patterns.

This small group activity also helped develop a number of other important skills including counting,  fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.  According to ELECT, children should be encouraged to count in meaningful ways in play and daily life.  At home, try counting things at the kitchen table or the number of steps you take on your way up to bed.  This helps make numbers more meaningful for children.  Stringing of the macaroni pieces onto a string, in our small group activity also helped the children with their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.  The more practice they are given the better they will become.  Fine motor skills/control is important for primary printing, a skill they will be required to use on a daily basis when they enter school.